User: Ziggymarlon
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Characters 1
Character name | Level | Rank | Type | Events: Molten Core Initial Onyxia's Lair Blackwing Lair Zul'Gurub Default |
Default Raids (30 days) | Default Raids (lifetime) |
Ziggymarlon | 60 | Raider | Main | 5 | 0% (0/0) | 65% (13/20) |
Raid Attendance History 13
Date | Name | Note | Value |
20.05.20 | Blackwing Lair | 80 | |
27.05.20 | Blackwing Lair | 80 | |
03.06.20 | Blackwing Lair | Pugged healers, so healers rolled | 80 |
10.06.20 | Blackwing Lair | 80 | |
18.06.20 | Blackwing Lair | PUGS, so rolls | 80 |
24.06.20 | Blackwing Lair | PUGS, so rolls | 80 |
01.07.20 | Blackwing Lair | PUGS, so rolls | 80 |
21.05.20 | Molten Core | 50 | |
24.05.20 | Zul'Gurub | 50 | |
28.05.20 | Molten Core | 50 | |
04.06.20 | Molten Core | 50 | |
11.06.20 | Molten Core | 50 | |
17.06.20 | Molten Core | 50 |
Item Purchase History 5
Date | Buyer | Name | Raid | Itempool | Value |
18.06.20 | Ziggymarlon | Nemesis Robes | Blackwing Lair | default | 0 |
20.05.20 | Ziggymarlon | Nemesis Boots | Blackwing Lair | default | 10 |
27.05.20 | Ziggymarlon | Shadow Wing Focus Staff | Blackwing Lair | default | 100 |
11.06.20 | Ziggymarlon | Cloak of the Brood Lord | Molten Core | default | 125 |
10.06.20 | Ziggymarlon | Angelista's Grasp | Blackwing Lair | default | 350 |
Individual Adjustment History 12
Date | Chars | Reason | Value |
20.05.20 | Ambushmepls, Bapco, Bratt, Buggl, Chassaber, Combinatoru, Cowstomp, Deagle, Deathflix, Elakpräst, Hellraise, Johnstjohn, Kalvosinappi, Kanmanju, Kaspiin, Kenp, Knickedicken, Koemelk, Lasagnette, Liferesets, Lolcya, Makari, Ohyra, Ooze, Overdosed, Rearden, Roggos, Ræb, Shraku, Teddyboy, Tresorb, Twojar, Uki, Zenzal, Ziblo, Ziggymarlon, Énkidu | On time bonus | 20 |
21.05.20 | Bratt, Buggl, Chassaber, Deagle, Deathflix, Elakpräst, Hellraise, Johnstjohn, Kanmanju, Kaspiin, Kenp, Knickedicken, Liferesets, Lolcya, Ohyra, Ooze, Rearden, Roggos, Shraku, Suaaá, Suku, Teddyboy, Uki, Zenzal, Ziblo, Ziggymarlon, Trololo | On time bonus | 20 |
24.05.20 | Baciu, Bratt, Buggl, Chassaber, Deagle, Deathflix, Elakpräst, Hellraise, Jaakko, Johnstjohn, Kanmanju, Kaspiin, Kenp, Liferesets, Roggos, Shraku, Trololo, Uki, Zenzal, Ziggymarlon, Énkidu, Imsorrywhat | On time bonus | 20 |
27.05.20 | Ambushmepls, Baciu, Bratt, Buggl, Chassaber, Cowstomp, Deagle, Elakpräst, Hellraise, Johnstjohn, Kalvosinappi, Kanmanju, Kaspiin, Kenp, Knickedicken, Koemelk, Lasagnette, Lolcya, Ohyra, Ooze, Roggos, Ræb, Shraku, Teddyboy, Trololo, Twojar, Uki, Zenzal, Ziggymarlon, Énkidu, Deathflix | On time bonus | 20 |
28.05.20 | Baciu, Bratt, Buggl, Chassaber, Deagle, Deathflix, Elakpräst, Hellraise, Icebeef, Johnstjohn, Kalvosinappi, Kanmanju, Kaspiin, Kenp, Knickedicken, Koemelk, Lolcya, Ooze, Suku, Teddyboy, Trololo, Uki, Zenzal, Ziblo, Ziggymarlon, Énkidu | On time bonus | 20 |
03.06.20 | Ambushmepls, Baciu, Bratt, Buggl, Chassaber, Deagle, Deathflix, Elakpräst, Hellraise, Icebeef, Johnstjohn, Kalvosinappi, Kanmanju, Kaspiin, Kenp, Koemelk, Lasagnette, Liferesets, Lolcya, Makari, Ohyra, Ooze, Overdosed, Roggos, Shraku, Suaaá, Teddyboy, Tresorb, Trololo, Twojar, Uki, Zenzal, Ziggymarlon, Énki | On time bonus | 20 |
04.06.20 | Ambushmepls, Baciu, Bratt, Buggl, Chassaber, Cowstomp, Deagle, Deathflix, Elakpräst, Gefaninacken, Ggwp, Hellraise, Icebeef, Johnstjohn, Kalvosinappi, Kanmanju, Kaspiin, Kenp, Liferesets, Lolcya, Mælkesnitten, Notuki, Roggos, Shraku, Spaceboy, Suaaá, Technik, Teddyboy, Twojar, Zenzal, Ziggymarlon, Énki | On time bonus | 20 |
10.06.20 | Ambushmepls, Baciu, Bratt, Buggl, Chassaber, Cowstomp, Deathflix, Elakpräst, Gankalot, Hellraise, Icebeef, Johnstjohn, Kalvosinappi, Kanmanju, Kaspiin, Kenp, Knickedicken, Koemelk, Lolcya, Makari, Mælkesnitten, Ooze, Overdosed, Shraku, Spaceboy, Suaaá, Teddyboy, Tresorb, Trololo, Twojar, Uki, Wtfsap, Zenzal, Ziggymarlon, Énki | On time bonus | 20 |
11.06.20 | Baciu, Buggl, Chassaber, Cowstomp, Deathflix, Elakpräst, Fabz, Hellraise, Icebeef, Kalvosinappi, Kanmanju, Kaspiin, Kenp, Knickedicken, Koemelk, Lolcya, Mælkesnitten, Ooze, Overdosed, Spaceboy, Suaaá, Teddyboy, Trololo, Twojar, Uki, Zenzal, Ziggymarlon, Énki, Gankalot, Tresorb, Burzúm | On time bonus | 20 |
17.06.20 | Baciu, Bratt, Buggl, Chassaber, Cowstomp, Deathflix, Elakpräst, Hellraise, Icebeef, Kalvosinappi, Kanmanju, Kaspiin, Kenp, Knickedicken, Koemelk, Lolcya, Mælkesnitten, Ohyra, Overdosed, Shraku, Spaceboy, Suaaá, Suku, Tresorb, Twojar, Uki, Wtfsap, Zenzal, Ziggymarlon, Énki | On time bonus | 20 |
24.06.20 | Baciu, Bratt, Chassaber, Cowstomp, Deathflix, Elakpräst, Ggwp, Icebeef, Kalvosinappi, Kanmanju, Kaspiin, Kenp, Knickedicken, Makari, Ohyra, Ooze, Suaaá, Teddyboy, Tresorb, Uki, Wtfsap, Zenzal, Ziggymarlon, Énki | On time bonus | 20 |
01.07.20 | Baciu, Buggl, Carreé, Cowstomp, Deathflix, Deceptiøn, Elakpräst, Gøtcha, Icebeef, Jaakko, Kanmanju, Kenp, Knickedicken, Koemelk, Liferesets, Lolcya, Mageofchaos, Suaaá, Twojar, Uki, Wtfsap, Zenzal, Ziggymarlon | On time bonus | 20 |
Icon | Event | Raids (lifetime) |
Onyxia's Lair | 0.00% (0/0) |
Molten Core | 71.00% (5/7) |
Zul'Gurub | 17.00% (1/6) |
Initial | 0.00% (0/0) |
Blackwing Lair | 100.00% (7/7) |